“Magnitude Zero” art book

contributed a piece to this charity art book to help Tohoku area from 3/11 earthquake recovery.

The 3/11 Tohoku Earthquake caused a miracle in distant Paris. People in bande dessinée (French comics) collected illustrations for disaster aid,
gathering 2,700 works from artists all over the world. A few months later, a collection called “Magnitude 9” was published in France.

I believe that cross-cultural interaction leads to chain reactions and new creations. I believe that the “Magnitude 9” movement is something
that should be conveyed to today’s Japan. Just as people with the same aspirations gathered in Paris,
large numbers of Japanese creators are taking part in “Magnitude ZERO,” and together with works extracted from “Magnitude 9,”
they have been able to direct their passion of “creation” into “love for Japan.”

Japan faces many difficult challenges, but this power to create will become Japan’s strength.
I want to show this book to the children of the disaster, show them places like France and China, and have them imagine the world.
I want to teach them that there are people in the world who love Japan’s culture and art. If we do so,
I believe that as they come of age in these troubled times, they will remember their friends in this world.
The desire to protect the smiles of the children of this country, and the hope that the end is not painful for those who pass away

- MindCreators are companions of this mind. Artists, businessmen, researchers; we are companions who believe in Japan’s future and want to create from ZERO.
MindCreators Representative Eriko Honda